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快乐汉语 词语卡片 第二册

  • 编著:  李津
  • 出版社:人民教育出版社
  • 出版时间:2012年12月
  • 丛书:
  • 开本:32开
  • ISBN:9787107257063

  • 内容介绍

Kuaile Hanyu is a part of a major project sponsored by Hanban.It is a set of Chinese teaching materials specially compiled for the middle school overseas students aged 11 to 16,which has won the title of "The Outstanding International Chinese Language Teaching Materials"by Hanban in December 2010. Kuaile Hanyu is also a beginning teaching materials of multi-language developed by Hanban in 2009,including a student's book,a teacher's book,a workbook,flash cards,wall charts and CDs, which has been designed,compiled,produced and published to suit the psychological level and learning requirements of students aged 11 to 16.The emphasis is on enabling the students to learn Chinese in natural conditions and to arouse their interest in Chinese,so as to lay a solid foundation for their studies.The books have been published in different versions of 45 languages.

so as to lay a solid foundation for their studies.The books have been published in different versions of 45 languages.

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