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标准中文 第一级 第一册 练习册 A

  • 编著:  课程教材研究所
  • 出版社:人民教育出版社
  • 出版时间:1998年1月
  • 丛书:
  • 开本:16开
  • ISBN:9787107123832

  • 内容介绍


  《标准中文》系列教材是专门为中国赴海外留学人员的子女和其他有志于学习中文的青少年编写的中小学汉语教材。整套教材包括学生用书、教学指导手册、练习册、生字卡片、词语卡片。 课文内容丰富多彩,练习设计实用有趣,特别注意培养学生的自学能力和创造意识,帮助学生更好地学习汉语,了解中国特有的文化和风俗习惯。前两级的语法点由易到难,螺旋上升,听说读写互相结合。整套教材标准规范、系统性强、分级合理、循序渐进,配有精美的图画或照片,图文并茂。,供海外1-9年级(6-15岁)的学生使用。第一级学生用书全文注汉语拼音。课文以会话为主,有人物,有情境,贴近儿童生活。每课有基本句、词语、生字和形式多样的练习。
  Standard Chinese is a series of primary and secondary school teaching materials specially compiled for the children of Chinese students studying overseas, and also for those foreigners who wish to learn Chinese. The whole set consists of student’s books, teacher’s guides, workbooks, and Chinese character cards, and word and phrase cards. The texts are rich and colorful in content; the exercises are practical and interesting and are designed to foster students’ independence and creativity in learning Chinese and in understanding China’s unique culture, traditions, and customs. The grammar points of the third levels are graded gradually from easy to difficult, and listening, speaking, reading, and writing are inter-linked. The new words of the first two levels have translated equivalents, with standard and practical phrasal examples. The whole set is standard and systematic and is logically graded.

   d. The new words of the first two levels have translated equivalents, with standard and practical phrasal examples. The whole set is standard and systematic and is logically graded.


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