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  • 编著:课程教材研究所  
  • 出版社:人民教育出版社
  • 出版时间:2008年03月
  • 丛书:
  • 开本:
  • ISBN:9787107204012

  • 内容介绍
  In order to meet the demands of our learners,we started to work on revisingStandard Chinesefrom the beginning of 2006.The revised editions consider the requirements of foreign children interested in learning Chinese lighten the learners’ burden and make things easier.The exercises are also richer and more lively in form. The Chinese Character Cards of Standard Chinese(Revised Edition)are in conjuction with the textbooks,which can be used in classroom teaching,reviewing,words games and self-study.The obverse side of each card is the new character.The radical and the order of strokes observed in calligraphy are indicated.The pronunciation and the number of strokes of a Chinese character are indicated in the reverse side.
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